Take the above stuff and reorder it to make sense. The guy is yodeling in an avalanche zone.He caused the avalanche that buried all the cabins. It’s the guy’s fault the bear can’t find other food.The bear must eat something or he’ll starve to death.What the protag do that led them there?.What is the turning point of their story?.…BEGIN THE WRITING ( DO NOT SKIP NO MATTER WHAT) like this, in this order: Roughly… the steps to making your comic is (treat the first page and the 2-page splash as you would the last). If you draw the pages from 1 to 12 sequentially you run the risk of fresh to burnt out- an uneven distribution of drawing skill. The end is the last page a reader sees- so spend your freshest energies on making it as epic, memorable, poignant, and beautiful as #$%^&. Everything in between is open to editing and hacking as the most important moments are emphasized and chosen. Personally I work “backwards” because the end is the only wholly necessary page or set of panels in the story.
Here is my set of instructions, tips, and notes towards making a 12-page comic. I’m NOT an expert but I have some working experience I can share. Rapidpunches: SHORT STORY/ONE-SHOT/ONE CHAPTER/COMICS 101 CRASH COURSE RAPIDPUNCHES’ STYLE