Gay bars nyc women

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The history of this leather bar is rich - originally a longshoreman’s pub called the Eagle Open Kitchen, then a leather bar in the 1970s, The Eagle’s Nest. Stay for the tunes and happy hour specials. It’s a great place to feel the love and show your pride.

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In addition to winning spots on lots of 'best of' lists, HH is lesbian-owned and run, too.

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If you do get in, you’ll be rewarded with great views of the Hudson River, DJs and, during the summer, a plunge pool on the dance floor and an outdoor creperie.Īnother classic, Henrietta’s has been a proud lesbian bar since 1991. This scene-y penthouse discothèque and rooftop bar atop The Standard Hotel near the High Line is pretty exclusive: Admission is determined at the entrance, and hotel guests aren’t guaranteed access.

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